Investment Management Services
Environmental, Social, Governance
We have found that clients have very different views on the definition of a socially conscious company. We can work with you to define restrictions and guide us on what type of portfolio to create for you so you can feel good about your investments. This can be as simple as specific restrictions from certain industries or companies, to a larger scope of identifying the best-in-class ESG companies in each industry. We utilize several resources to aid us in identifying these companies. We believe we offer the choices you need to provide you with a portfolio that you can be comfortable with from an environmental, social, and corporate governance perspective, while still offering prudent diversified portfolios that fit your goals, investment objectives and risk /return profile.
Environmental, Social, Governance
Fair & Balanced Disclosure: Not all services will be appropriate or necessary for all clients, and the potential value and benefit of the adviser’s services will vary based upon the client’s individual investment, financial, and tax circumstances. Neither personalized nor specialized services, nor any professional credentials or designations, should be construed as a guarantee of client satisfaction or any particular outcome. Employment of specific investment mandates, such as ESG investing, may materially limit the scope of investment options available for allocation. ESG-focused investment vehicles may also be materially more expensive than non-ESG options, which can negatively impact performance. The firm will only employ an ESG-focused investment strategy at the specific request of the client, based on client-defined ESG parameters. Please see our Disclosures page for additional information regarding the professional credentials and Financial Advisor Magazine third-party rating discussed herein. No portion of the firm’s services should be construed as legal or tax advice, and legal and tax topics should be addressed with the qualified professional of the client’s choosing. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investing comes with risk, including risk of loss.