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Market Talk Archive Arcticles
Is Cognitive Bias Impacting Your Decision Making?
A number of years ago I read Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein’s book, Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. The book, first published in 2009, argues that individuals often make poor, sub-optimal decisions due to cognitive and behavioral biases.
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (or TIPS) are bonds that are issued by the U.S. Treasury and specifically designed to protect against rising inflation. Find out how they work in this article from Ben Nostrand, CFP.
Understanding the Silicon Valley Bank Failure
Posted in April 2023, this article helps make sense of the Silicon Valley Bank failure and other turmoil in regional banking at that time.
Staying Invested Matters
Volatility is normal - don’t let it derail your long-term investment plans. Did you know that the best trading days often happen within a month after the worst trading days? Check out this article and graphs to learn more.
The Big Three: Time, Diversification, Volatility of Returns
Time, diversification, and the volatility of returns. In the financial industry these are considered ‘The Big Three’. Learn how these factors at play impact financial planning and strategies in this article originally posted in May 2022.
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