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Third Quarter 2023 - Market Talk
Third quarter 2023 recap: Equities took a much-needed breather during the 3rd Quarter of 2023. The S&P 500 was down -3.3% during the period but as the chart illustrates, remains up +13.1% for the year-to-date period.
Second Quarter 2023 - Market Talk
Second quarter 2023 recap: Equities continued to climb in Q2 2023. The Nasdaq was the standout yet again, up +12.8% in the 2nd Quarter (+32% YTD). Shares of the S&P 500 gained +8.3% (+16.9% YTD) and the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose +3.4% (+4.9% YTD).
First Quarter 2024 - Market Talk
Total Returns for Q1 2024: Dow +5.62%, S&P +10.16%, Nasdaq +9.11%, Russell 2000 +4.81%
Investors dialed back their expectations for rate cuts during the first quarter of 2024 and now expect the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates only three (as op posed to six) times this year.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back - 2022 Review
2022 Review: The most challenging year for investors since the financial crisis came to an end last week. The large cap S&P 500 index finished down -18.1%. The tech-heavy NASDAQ plummeted 33% as more than 50% of the names in that index declined 50% or more. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 8% as the value orient- ed names in that index of 30 stocks fared much better.
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Posted in May 2023, this article guides you through SECURE Act 2.0 and how it stands to impact retirement.